what is the reason jute hairy cutter piller & its chemical & biochemical solution?

উত্তর সমূহ

  1. সৈয়দা সিফাত জাহান, উপজেলা কৃষি অফিসার, কালীগঞ্জ, লালমনিরহাট

    jute hairy cutter piller is one of the major pests of Jute. it can be control by-1. Spraying of microbial insecticides. e.g. Bacillus thuringiensisor2.      Application of Sevin/ Diazinon/ Diginol 60 EC @ 3 mL/ L of water.  0r 3.      Application of Ripcord/ Cymbush/ Fenon 10 EC @ 1 mL/L of water.  0r 4.      Application of Azodrin/ Nuvacron 40 WSC @ 3 mL/L of water.