what is ideal seed bed .?

উত্তর সমূহ

  1. সৈয়দা সিফাত জাহান, উপজেলা কৃষি অফিসার, কালীগঞ্জ, লালমনিরহাট

    The characteristics of a ideal seedbed are: uniformly firm soil to depth of 5 inches (12.7 centimeters), adequate soil moisture, and weed free. Each of these characteristics help the seed to have the best chance to germinate and flourish. A seedbed that is weed free allows the desired crop to grow without the fierce competition for nutrients, space, and sunlight. Adequate soil moisture triggers the enzymatic changes needed to grow. The seedbed needs to be firm because that indicates that moisture down in the soil can be brought up for seed germination. Fluffy soil at the surface usually means too much air is trapped in the soil and that will dry out the conditions and seeds will not germinate.the seedbed must be well drained. For Ensuring the above the size of the seedbed should be 3 M X 1 M. 

  2. সৈয়দা সিফাত জাহান, উপজেলা কৃষি অফিসার, কালীগঞ্জ, লালমনিরহাট

    The characteristics of a ideal seedbed are: uniformly firm soil to depth of 5 inches (12.7 centimeters), adequate soil moisture, and weed free. Each of these characteristics help the seed to have the best chance to germinate and flourish. A seedbed that is weed free allows the desired crop to grow without the fierce competition for nutrients, space, and sunlight. Adequate soil moisture triggers the enzymatic changes needed to grow. The seedbed needs to be firm because that indicates that moisture down in the soil can be brought up for seed germination. Fluffy soil at the surface usually means too much air is trapped in the soil and that will dry out the conditions and seeds will not germinate.the seedbed must be well drained. For Ensuring the above the size of the seedbed should be 3 M X 1 M.