উত্তর সমূহ

  1. সৈয়দা সিফাত জাহান, উপজেলা কৃষি অফিসার, কালীগঞ্জ, লালমনিরহাট

    Advanced Nutritional Supplements  To slow the progression of citrus greening in infected trees, trace amounts of nutrients are applied to the leaves or to the roots. Providing better nutrition helps trees fight against citrus greening and enables them to continue to produce quality fruit for an extended period of time.Reflective Mulch Researchers have found that reflective metalized polyethylene film used as mulch beneath newly planted citrus trees may impair the psyllids’ (insects which spread citrus greening) ability to find and infect citrus trees. This has proven to be successful with certain vegetable crops and is continuing to be explored in preventing new citrus trees from being infected with citrus greeningHeat Treatment Heating HLB-infected trees in the sun by encasing them in plastic “tents” slows or diminishes the psyllid count, which may potentially prolong the productivity of trees. Steam treatment also shows promise for extending the tree’s lifespan and ability to produce fruit.Bactericides Bactericides are a topical treatment aimed at slowing the bacteria that cause citrus greening